1. Complete Agreement and Acceptance: These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) apply to goods and services provided by Glow to Buyer to supply and install a solar energy system (the “Glow Solar System”). Any additional or different terms or conditions proposed by Buyer shall not be effective unless and until the additional or different terms or conditions are accepted by Glow by written signature. All terms and conditions contained in any documents from Buyer that supplement or contradict these Terms are hereby expressly rejected. All sales are expressly conditioned upon Buyer’s assent to these Terms.
2. Installation: Buyer agrees to give Glow access to the installation site during normal working hours. Buyer shall grant fee access to work areas for utility and governmental employees who may be required to inspect the Glow Solar System and shall allow areas for storage of materials and rubbish until installation is complete. Buyer shall be responsible for posting applicable permits and keeping the work area free of hazards, unsafe conditions, pets, and children.
3. Concealed or Unknown Conditions: If Glow encounters conditions at the site that are subsurface or otherwise concealed physical conditions that differ materially from those ordinarily found to exist and generally recognized as inherent in roofing and electrical systems, Glow shall promptly notify Buyer before conditions are disturbed. Buyer shall promptly investigate such condition and report back to Glow. Buyer is solely responsible for the coordination and expense of any unanticipated work during installation due to concealed or unknown conditions. If any unanticipated work is required, including, not limited to unanticipated approval requirements imposed upon Glow by the local government or interconnecting utility, Buyer agrees to pay for such work. Glow shall not be responsible for damages or problems arising from pre-existing conditions which may be aggravated by normal material handling procedures on the roof.
4. Limited Warranties: Glow makes the following warranties as to the Glow Solar System (i) components are covered by the applicable manufacturer’s warranty; (ii) engineering, design and installation will be performed consistent with the skill and care ordinarily provided in the industry and free from defect for ten (10) years following installation; and (iii) at time of delivery, meet Glow’s published specifications.
(rev 2.13.24)