Customer Testimonials

Glow Solar makes going solar easy, informative, & worry-free.

What Glow Solar customers say about working with us…

  • “Glow Solar was phenomenal to work with!”
  • “Glow did a great job. Love my solar system! They made going solar easy!
  • We had a great experience working with Glow Solar to get our home equipped with solar energy.
  • Glow solar was very professional, pricing was transparent, and they worked with me to find the best solution to my solar needs. I highly recommend them!
  • Glow Solar made the whole process easy–providing an estimate, city paperwork and rebate forms, installation and energization. Really pleasant to work with, too. Highly recommended with no reservations!
  • We recommend Glow to all of our friends and family because we know they will do a fantastic job. If you want the best solar technology at the best price with the best service, this is the company for you.
  • Our experience is that Glow Solar is well-versed with the methodology to arrive at optimal production capacity for a home and make the right recommendations. I would readily recommend Glow Solar to homeowners who are considering solar energy for their homes and value the sincerity, knowledge and honesty this local service provider brings to the table.
  • The whole process from start to finish worked very well for us with ZERO headache. Very importantly, the number of panels, the total production capacity, the quality and cost of all the equipment that Glow Solar recommended perfectly suited our needs.
  • My husband and I decided to go solar last spring and did our research into several different options in the Madison area. From the first encounter, Glow stood out from the rest. They provided fast, easy and transparent pricing and excellent customer service. They listened to our needs and designed a system that worked for our home and budget. Every aspect of the process was handled with professionalism, courtesy, and integrity. The quality, passion and pride this company has for what they do is unmatched.
  • John Reinders is an honest, patient and knowledgeable advisor. When we decided to engage Glow Solar for our project, John proved to be a very diligent and efficient project manager. Just as John had committed to, the actual installation was completed in two days, with John ensuring that the city’s inspection was completed promptly. At the end of the installation, our home was left as clean as it was before the work began.
  • Upon completion of the work, the Glow team gave us a tour of the easy-to-understand setup, how it all worked, how the MG&E billing process would work to reflect the production and consumption of solar energy generated by our installation, and introduced us to the easy-to-use app for monitoring the daily/weekly/monthly/annual production of solar energy.